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Tom Saguto, PGA

Life is too short to play bad golf! I've helped over half a million golfers (and counting)


Traditional golf swing techniques have left golfers frustrated and stuck. With millions of conflicting golf tips and “experts” all teaching something different, there’s so much confusion on what needs to be done to play great golf. This problem makes golf extremely difficult and unenjoyable.

At SagutoGolf, we believe golf is life - and life should be enjoyed hitting the best feeling golf shots imaginable.

To play your best golf ever, you need a roadmap that gets you there. SagutoGolf helps ...


She Never Thought the Golf Swing Could Be THIS Easy!!!

This New Ridiculously Easy Way to Swing Requires Almost No Practice - It's UNREAL!

I Used to Be a 30 Handicap Then I Learned This...and it SHOOK ME UP