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Dreamers & Doers

Catalyze expansive success with a highly curated community and PR Hype Machine.

Dreamers & Doers is an award-winning community and PR Hype Machine amplifying extraordinary women entrepreneurs, investors, and leaders.

The magic and impact of Dreamers & Doers is a direct result of the extraordinary women who make up our collective.

Your fellow members are diverse, impressive, and values-driven. They are venture-backed founders, entrepreneurs who never intend to raise, investors, journalists, startup operators, innovation experts, and more. What we have in common is our shared desire to disrupt the status quo—together.


  • Join a high-tough community with extraordinary women
  • Get news-worthy and convenient PR opportunities
  • Build credibility and establish yourself as a thought leader
  • Leverage exclusive access to advisors and funding

What's included?

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    Highly Curated Community

    Find your personal advisory board with our rigorously curated community of extraordinary, authentic, and generous women. Connect deeply through monthly 1x1 matches, small group masterminds, and our virtual private collective.

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    PR Hype Machine™

    Build credibility, establish yourself as a thought leader, and maximize your impact in the world with multiple features in reputable publications throughout the year with content partners like Nasdaq, Thrive, and Motherly.

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    Education, Events & Directory

    Benefit from 100+ carefully crafted educational and connection-focused events each year. You can attend expert workshops, masterminds segmented for 6, 7, and 8-figure business leaders, and magical community gatherings.

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    Trajectory-Shifting Resources

    From direct access to advisors and journalists to speaking gigs to special funding opportunities, we’ve got you covered. We also curate a library of ongoing offers and perks to accelerate your journey and save you money.

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    Membership Concierge

    Benefit from our high-touch approach where serving you is our absolute priority and joy. You’ll receive 1x1 access to our Head of Community, a seasoned entrepreneur, adjunct professor, and incredible human.

Who is this for?

  • You're seeking a collective of powerful women that have your back.
  • You believe in paying it forward and that a rising tide lifts all boats.
  • You're looking for a diverse ecosystem vs. a specialized group.
  • You welcome raising your profile through PR.
  • You've achieved meaningful success in your life⁠—you're able to give back and be a resource to others.

Gesche Haas picture

Gesche Haas

Creative doer with a soft spot for scaling, driving efficiencies, building communities

Gesche Haas is an entrepreneur, investor, mentor, and advisor who is the Founder/CEO of Dreamers & Doers, an award-winning community and PR Hype Machine™ amplifying extraordinary women entrepreneurs, investors, and leaders. Dreamers & Doers has built...

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