The #1 Community to Grow Your Career in B2B Marketing.
Exit Five is a membership site designed to help you build a successful career in B2B marketing. Get access to an online resource that’s jam packed with helpful content and a private community where you can ask questions, get feedback, and exchange ideas with peers.
Every month, you'll get matched with a marketer who is similar to you (role, company size, specialization) for a 30-minute virtual coffee chat.
We have over 300 videos and templates on everything B2B marketing.
You can ask questions and get expert-level answers from those who have been there and done that. We also have 6,000 posts and 20,000 comments all time, so you can browse years' worth of historical questions and conversations.
Whether it's free website teardowns or an AMA on how to build a LinkedIn brand for your founder, a member teaches the community something inside their area of expertise every month.
We have specific spaces for Product Marketing, Content Marketing, ABM, Marketing Ops, Event Marketing, AI, Demand Generation, and Agencies.
Founder: Exit Five. The top community for B2B marketers.
I run Exit Five, the top community for B2B marketers. We have a full-time team of five and 5,000+ members in our private community. We also host a popular podcast, newsletter, and we run in-person events for marketers. We've built a full blown media...
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